A perfect trip designed specially for you
Trip Me Right
Personalised maps, guides and recommendations.
Get the most out of your vacation!

Why you need a travel design
You buy a ticket, take a plane to a far-away land, arrive at your dream destination… and don't know what to do next. How often have you dealt with the situation? Vacation is meant to bring some free time and relaxation but instead you end up being exhausted by simply planning and making arrangements. Travel design solves this problem!

You get a personal travel plan, tailored just for you. It garanties a perfect mix of experiences with no additional help from expensive local guides and annoying group tours.The trip is made according to your ─ and only your ─ dreams, interests and needs.

for example
Copenhagen for nature wanderers: parks, gardens, picturesque cemeteries, zoo and oceanarium
Berlin for classic art lovers: tips on how to get into best city galleries for free and a list of must-sees in the huge collection of the Museum Island complex
With travel design, you'll never find yourself at the closed gates of a church or a famous restaurant. This tailor-made guide will save you time and cut some extra costs on tickets and dinners. Your personal map will show you the history behind all the attractions and lead you to the hidden gems away from tourist crowds.
How Travel Design works
You fill the online form. By doing so, you share your travel preferences, your budget range, the dates and the spectrum of activities you like.
I get in touch with you via email or messenger to clarify final details.
In 3-7 days you get a bespoke map in a klm format. It's easy to export it either to offline maps (Maps.Me) or to your GoogleMaps collection. Additionally, you receive a daily plan for your vacation.
The map and the plan contain all the necessary information about the chosen locations: name, address, website, open hours, prices and discounts, some tips regarding the best time for a visit and booking options as well as a general description. All the locations are grouped for a smooth navigation.

The only thing you have to do is open this personalized map and start the best trip of your lifetime!
You're travelling to Venice at the beginning of November. Judging by the answers you put in the form you crave new gastronomic experiences, hope to visit a couple of museums and won't mind walking on narrow streets looking for some souvenirs. Your daily budget is approximately 100 euros per person. We further clarify the details via email or messenger: you prefer the Mediterranean cuisine and historical museums above all. As for the shopping, you'd rather go for the locally manufactured goods than cheap chinese products.

I create a map tailored just for you with all the attractions collected in one neat route and a well-detailed plan for each of the 3 days you'll spend in the city. Each location has a full description and recommendations, so that you know where to buy the museum tickets, what tourist card suits your purposes best and which transportation gets you to your destination point fastest. Besides that, the plan contains information on the approximate duration of each of the activities you'll take.

Travel Design sample
Fill in the form
To get your Travel Design, please answer next questions
How would you like to be contacted?
What city(cities) are you planning to visit?
Per daу per person
What are your main interests? What kind of activities are you considering during this trip?
By clicking "Submit", you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy
Contact me
+49 176 43 606869
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