Tatiana Bulanova

Photographer, mixed media artist
My work is usually created around a theme that I feel is capable of turning common beliefs and conformities upside down. My current medium is photography. Depending on the subject, I use a vintage analogue camera, a digital one or a simple smartphone lens. Other applications and mixed media materials help me to convey a sense of 'otherworldliness' to the subject or to highlight an unusual side of everyday things and situations.

I believe it's extremely important to keep your eyes and your mind wide open, to see the world more complicated than it seems at first glance. By creating these new layers in my pictures, I'm trying to lift the veil of reality and have a good laugh at its underlining.
Artist's statement
Tatiana (Tanya) Bulanova, born in Saratov, USSR (Russia) in 1987, is a Berlin-based photographer and visual artist. MA in Russian Literature, worked as an editor on various book projects. Her interest in photography grew as she was a student, first by exploring analogue photography with a second-hand Zenith, then moving on to the more technically advanced Pentax. As a freelance photographer, Tatiana focused on commercial portraiture. It wasn't until quite a while later that she switched to art projects. It happened in Germany, where Tatiana moved to in 2016. Since then she dedicated her photo and mix media works to commemorating the quirky side of the metropolis, addressing such topics as immigration, oneself's reinvention and questioning the very essence of art.
Art projects
Photo project for Walpurgis Night, 2024
Mixed media photo project, 2019-2024
Secrets to Keep
Mix media art project / in progress
List of exhibitions
Apr 2024
Art Number 23 Gallery, Prague
Apr 2024
Frauenkreis Choriner Str., Berlin
Apr-Jul 2024
Green Hill Gallery, Berlin
May 2024
Haze Gallery, Berlin
Aug 2024
Queer Identities in Migration Exhibition, Berlin
+49 176 43 606869
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